Definition of Stick insect

1. Noun. Any of various mostly tropical insects having long twiglike bodies.

Exact synonyms: Walking Stick, Walkingstick
Generic synonyms: Phasmid, Phasmid Insect
Group relationships: Family Phasmatidae, Family Phasmidae, Phasmatidae, Phasmidae
Specialized synonyms: Diapheromera, Diapheromera Femorata

Definition of Stick insect

1. Noun. Any of various insects of the family ''Phasmidae'' that mimic sticks or twigs. ¹

¹ Source:

Lexicographical Neighbors of Stick Insect

stick a fork
stick about
stick and carrot
stick around
stick by
stick cinnamon
stick clip
stick down
stick figure
stick figures
stick horse
stick in
stick in someone's craw
stick in the mud
stick in the muds
stick insect
stick insects
stick it out
stick it to the man
stick lac
stick man
stick men
stick on
stick one's neck out
stick one's nose in
stick one's nose into
stick one's oar in
stick one's tongue out
stick out
stick out like a sore thumb

Literary usage of Stick insect

Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:

1. About Ceylon and Borneo: Being an Account of Two Visits to Ceylon, One to by Walter J. Clutterbuck (1892)
"I discovered them in what appeared THE stick insect to be hundreds issuing from the recesses of my cupboard, and when I dipped my sponge in the water it did ..."

2. About Ceylon and Borneo: Being an Account of Two Visits to Ceylon, One to by Walter J. Clutterbuck (1891)
"I discovered them in what appeared THE stick insect to be hundreds issuing from the recesses of my cupboard, and when I dipped my sponge in the water it did ..."

3. Pagan Races of the Malay Peninsula by Walter William Skeat, Charles Otto Blagden (1906)
"where the stick-insect is called by the curious name of "elephant's fish-poison,"1 the east coast Malays firmly believing that if an elephant accidentally ..."

4. The Story of Creation: A Plain Account of Evolution by Edward Clodd (1888)
"... the dried twig-like form of many caterpillars, the bark-like appearance of tree-frogs, FIG. 72.—Walking-stick Insect. the harmony of the ..."

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